Friday, October 24, 2014

Emperor Justinian and the Byzantine Empire

1. Hey, what's up with Justinian's wife, Theodora? 
Theodora was a former burlesque dancer, and Justinian named her co-empress.
2. Why was Justinian unpopular? 
Justinian was born a peasant, but his reign would be ruled by intelligence and brutality. He tried to stamp out prostitution, pagans, Jews, study of ancient Athenian philosophers, gambling, homosexuality, and any Christians that refuse to follow him.
3. What amazing fun things took place in the hippodrome? 
It was the center of Constantinople's public life--with its capacity of hundreds of thousands of people. It was a stadium for chariot racing, modeled after Rome's Circus Maximus.
4. Oh no, what did Justinian do at the hippodrome? 
He gathered his officers and marched to the hippodrome. He promises to compromise with the citizens, but once everyone was present, he closed the gates and had his soldiers massacre everyone.
5. Why did Justinian quickly move to rebuild Constantinople? 
He saw the opportunity to rebuild the city so that the power would ultimately be his own and in the name of God.
6. What was the monumental architecture built in Constantinople? 
The Church of Holy Wisdom, also known as the Hagia Sophia,
7. What's unique about this building? 
It was the large dome ever built, and it seemed to float in midair, because of its construction. The columns were elaborately designed, depicting Justinian and his wife. The Church became a significant location to the residents of Constantinople.
8. How did Justinian ultimately cause the downfall of Byzantium?
Justinian's constant military campaigning and the construction of the Church bankrupted the empire. 

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